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Author(s):      Ana Hol , Athula Ginige
ISBN:      972-98947-8-7
Editors:      Nitya Karmakar and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2004
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Return on Investment, Small to Medium Enterprises, Changing Nature of Business, Super-Symbolic Economy.
Type:      Oral Presentation - 20 minutes
First Page:      339
Last Page:      344
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      This study looks at how SMEs can use available resources, knowledge and skills to evaluate if and how much they should invest into implementation and use of Information Technology. It has been realized that traditional ROI needs to be modified as at present it cannot be used to fully calculate Return on Investment due to complex and changing nature of today’s environment. Modified ROI model takes into the consideration chaotic and turbulent nature of today’s life in the Information era and its’ Super-Symbolic Economy. In order for ROI to be calculated in this new changed environment businesses would first of all need to acknowledge that new proposed ROI has both tangible and intangible properties. In addition to that, organizations would need to note that IT investment is important and for that reason the environment that surrounds business would need to be studied as well. Furthermore, businesses would need to assure that they are able to implement required infrastructure and that their employees will have necessary skills and knowledge to use and operate that newly implemented technology.

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